Friday, March 14, 2025 
Kind and Total Health System
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  1. Kind and Total grants User one limited license to access KTeCare. Kind and Total retains all rights to KTeCare.
  2. Kind and Total shall have the right to modify or change any function; feature; and look-and-feel of KTeCare at anytime without first notifying or obtaining permission from User.
  3. Use of KTeCare is not part of patient care. Kind and Total provides no warranty, either implied or explicit, regarding accuracy; timeliness; and completeness of data in KTeCare when accessed by User. Kind and Total also provides no warranty, either implied or explicit, on function; performance and availability of the system. User assumes full risk, including clinical; financial; and others, in using such system.
  4. User shall pay no charge to Kind and Total for using KTeCare. However, Kind and Total reserves the right to implement a fee for accessing the system in the future. In such case, User shall be notified in advance of the fee implementation. Only those who explicitly sign a new agreement will be charged the fee and grant access to the system.
  5. KTeCare is a software system available via the Internet. User shall be responsible for all charges related to hardware, software, Internet connection, printing cost, and any other expenses required to access this system.
  6. User agrees not to copy or reverse engineer any feature of KTeCare. If this clause is violated, User shall pay damage to Kind and Total to the full extend provided by law, plus attorney's fee.
  7. User shall take full responsibility in safe-keeping the account name and password information for accessing KTeCare. User may appoint authorized representative for using KTeCare. Any access to KTeCare using User's account name and password shall be deemed authorized by User. User hereby releases Kind and Total from liability related to use; display; copying; and storing of User's health information when such information is obtained using User's valid account name and password.
  8. Kind and Total shall not disclose User's account information to any third party without User's written permission for commercial purpose. Kind and Total will use reasonable means to protect User's account information. But its duty (if any) is limited to those specified by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other applicable federal and California state laws.
  9. User may print and copy his/her own medical information onto other media, paper or electronic. Once information is copied off KTeCare, Kind and Total shall not be responsible for any use; mis-use; disclose; or other treatment of such information by User or other parties.
  10. Kind and Total reserves the right to modify and/or cancel this agreement at anytime.

This system will soon be decommissioned and replaced by a new system, more information will be available soon

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